Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I picked up the Sladecraft K1 on Sunday night and was lucky enough that I could try it out this afternoon. It sure looked skinny, but beautiful with it's blue sparkly deck. I couldn't wait to paddle it again and was anticipating loving it and buying it this week.

Apprently Liz told Jack that she had cracked the sides just sitting in it (which struck me as odd because she is lean). I wasn't worried about it. Well, it took me and Anton about an hour to get the seating arrangement right (just fiddling around etc). I did fit in it, but whilst sitting there realised that the cracks Liz was talking about opened up every time pressure was put against the sides, even just by merely sitting in it. I was now worried. I didn't want to risk doing further damage to it (by cracking it further). Anton had a sit in it and unbelievably it was even worse for him. He wasn't game to paddle it for fear of doing more damage too.
I had another sit in it and eventhough my hips were touching the sides it wasn't too uncomfortable so I decided to go for a short paddle to try it out.

Anton had his K1 so we both nervously made our way up towards the lake. After a little while my hips started feeling better and I was feeling optimistic. But it didn't take long to be VERY uncomfortable again. I was almost at the lake when I decided to turn around and head back because I just HAD to get out of it. It was getting pretty painful. Well, with a maximum width of 37cm I guess my hips are always going to be too tight a fit in it. I reckon I could lose as much weight as I like and my bone structure is still going to be too big for it.

I was heartbroken. I really had my hopes up on this one. The feel of it through the water was just beautiful and it handled so well. I loved paddling it, but just knew I wouldn't be comfortable sitting it in. Such a shame.

Jack met us back at the boat ramp and had a sit in it. His hips didn't touch the sides at all - he fit in perfectly. I had a quick try of Anton's Mustang K1, and it's a tippy little bugger. I found it had an odd feel to it. It felt nice when up and running, but if my balance was off slightly I had the odd sensation that it would be very hard to recover from and I would be swimming before I knew it. Luckily that didn't happen though (as the water was chilly and the air temperature had certainly dropped by now).

Anyway, I dropped it straight back to Greg's house. For someone who can comfortable fit in it I think it would be a wonderful K1 to paddle. However I'm definatley heart broken and back to the drawing board...continuing my search to buy a K1.

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