Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Just not 'meant' to do a run

The World Masters Games information seminar last night was good. It was mostly stuff I knew anyway, but Jack & Jen, Dave, Leah, Craig & Marg Dodd were there too and it was great to catch up with them and hear their rundown of the Aussies (Australian Marathon Championships).

I had hoped to do a run this morning and the plan was to take Connor to preschool and go straight to the lake with Clayton for my run. Just as we got there it started to pour. Of course I didn't have my rain cover with me (it was fine when I left), so eventhough the rain wouldn't have bothered me (I actually like running in the rain), I didn't want to do that to Clay.

So I decided to go for a drive down to Woy Woy as I had to visit a shop there and thought that maybe I could go for a run somewhere different. As we drove there the weather cleared up and I was looking forward to running. Again, about 5 minutes before we got there it bucketted down again. Even after visiting a couple of shops I had to go to, it was still pouring.

I was driving home, resigned to not doing my run, when the weather cleared up remarkable and even became warm. was only 11am and I still had time to do a run at the lake before Clay's nap. I turned around to check on him in the back seat and he was sound asleep. I tickled hjs feet, but he was well and truly out to it. I guess I was just not meant to do a run today.

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