Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The best excuse ever!

I knew Chris was going to be home early today, so earlier in the week I had planned that I would paddle sprints with the guys this afternoon....but.....something happened....

The SMS message I sent to Anton later in the day read... "Was going to go today but arm is very sore after tetanus inection I had to have this morning. I stabbed my thumb cleaning dog poo off Connor's shoe with a wooden skewer. Ouch". Instantly he called me, laughing his head off saying "That has to be the best excuse ever".

What had happened was that last night Connor had somehow gotten dog poo on his shoe. So I had the bright idea of using a wooden skewer (like you use to make kebabs), to clean it out of the deep groves. It worked great...until it slipped and kebabbed by thumb. Pretty deep too. Damn it hurt. A couple of hours later it was very sore, swollen, red and hot. Not looking good. I googled tetanus and discovered that it was at high risk for it...and of course couldn't remember my last injection. So off I went to the Doctors this morning and got jabbed in the arm. It felt fine for a couple of hours, but started getting progressively sorer, and now I can't lift my hand above my shoulder. And looking at my thumb, I probably couldn't grip a paddle anyway.
So there you have it. Turning out to be a crap week.

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