Thursday, February 12, 2009

A flat and disappointing paddle

After switching my paddle session from yesterday to today I was disappointed this morning when the weather was so crap. It was raining all morning. Don't get me wrong - I was going unless there was a thunderstorm, but it's always nicer paddling when it's not raining.
Anway, by the afternoon the rain stopped and the wind picked up and I arranged to meet Anton there at 4:45pm. I got there a bit early and Jack and Mick had just come back from a bridge lap. They convinced me to paddle up towards the lake with them (with much protesting by me...that Anton was going to kill me), and after about 1km I turned around and headed back to meet up with Anton. This part of the paddle felt good, but when Anton and I started heading up towards the lake together I felt a bit flat.
We met up with Jack and Mick, and paddled up to the lake and back with them. When we got back our time and my heart rate was good, but I just felt 'off the mark' today. I convinced Anton to let me practice wash riding him, and this was great. I've never wash ridden in a K1 before and I did better than expected. All up I paddled about 8km.
I'm just disappointed with how I felt today. Maybe it was knowing I had such a short time to paddle as I had to get back home in time for Chris to go to Soccer training. Maybe it was the lack of sleep last night due to Connor's all night long night terrors. Excuses, excuses! I was certainly looking forward to the sessions, but it just didn't click tonight. Oh well, I guess I can't expect every session to be great. I think maybe I was a bit disheartened after reading about the State Marathon Championships. I found out that the Open Womens K1 is 25km and has 4 portages. Now there's no way I'll be up to that standard in the K1 in 5 weeks. I also discovered that I won't be able to race in the Vet 35 category because it is the age you were on 1st January 2009. Usually in vet categories you can race in the category for the year you turn that age, which means I could race in V35, but appartently not for this event. This is a bummer because I was hoping to race in V35. So I think I'll race in the Open TK1 event now because there is no way that in 5 weeks I'd be able to stay upright in a K1 for 25km with 4 portages. Give me another month and maybe I could. So probably it's just that my heart wasn't in it today. I guess I'm just a bit disheartened at the moment. So disappointing after paddling so well on the weekend.


  1. What is this long face crap..Pull yourself together and focus on what you want,not what you THINK you cannot do...25 km's is a walk in the park if you wish to train for it..The portage is a good excuse for a rest,so that is not a problem..
    I just worked it out..get Anton to go along side will paddle like a demon to get him off your wash to keep it nice and quiet..If you want to finish the race there will not be a worry...Just think,I used to have to drag my bodgy body over 36 km's for mens open..Time for bed..Bye BYe

  2. Ok, now you've got me thinking...(you're going to wish you hadn't found this comment section). You make some very good points, and I obviously need some guidance with my would you help me with a training program? I'm just kind of randomly paddling at the moment and I need to train smarter. I have been doing some intervals and other stuff, but I do much better when someone else tells me what to do (ie I don't come up with it myself). Just some ideas for how to best spend my paddling time. Since my time is limited, I need to make the most of what I have. I need some direction. So what do you say?
    ps: I don't care how dodgy you think you're body is/was, you've still got a V8 engine in there.

  3. Maybe a v6 nowdays..LOL
    We can sort some thing out Sunday if you are going to get you up to 25 km's in about 4 weeks...OOOhhhhhh just in time...Easy
    Very important I think to train with some one else though as motivation will play a huge part in making you go that little bit further and may make that bit extra you need to achieve your target...
    You will need to get 4 days a week training in the kayak for the next 4 weeks..Hubby may need to cook dinner as you will be stuffed..Looking forward to this big time...
    Pick 3 week days and let me know best time and then Sunday for a distance paddle..Weekdays about 55 to 70 minutes will be enough at the most...You may wish to end a bit quicker than that so lets see...

  4. Sounds great. You can get my number and/or email from Anton. Hubby already helps out immensely with looking after the boys and cooking dinner, so that's no problem. But I can only do 2 weekdays (Wednesday and Thursday) and Saturday and Sunday. I'll fill you in when we catch up next. This is going to be coooool!!! Though I think I can distinctly hear the sound of evil laughing from you :)
