Not becuase of the rain, but because I was paddling with Anton - Heheheheheh. Just joking Anton. I always have a dig at him because he throws so much water off his paddle (no you can't blame it on the type of paddle you have Anton). Anyway, it was raining and I still wanted to train so he came along as well. By the time we met there it was raining pretty heavily so we put on our wet weather kit. For me it was cossie, tights, spray jacket, and Anton kindly lent me a spray skirt (which matched my kayak nicely). I think anyone who saw us thought we were nuts, but I was loving the paddle. We did the bridge lap and it was nice and calm with moderate rain, but then as we headed up towards the lake it started to bucket down. And for the last 1km before the lake the wind and chop picked up and it was pretty horrible. It's probably the worst weather I've ever paddled in. The K1's nose was going under the waves at each dip, but at least it was head on. I found a sheltered spot to turn around and we headed back, this time with the wind and waves behind us. We would have been flying, it was pretty cool. We took some photos when we were done and we look like drowned rats. The photos are a bit blurry because I couldn't stop the rain from getting on the lens. So sorry Anton, these were the best I got. I still have to look at the GPS data to see what our distance and speed was but I'm guessing around 7km with an average speed of 9.8km/hr.
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