Friday, February 6, 2009

You know you're on the right track when...

Last night as I was watching TV, I was thinking about today and was really disapointed that I wasn't going to train. When I woke up this morning, I just wanted to go and exercise. What a shift in thinking from previous years! You know you're on the right track when are disappointed if you can't train.

It got me thinking about starting a list: You know you're on the right track when...
1) You are disappointed if you can't train
2) You look forward to training sessions
3) You look forward to racing
4) You are excited that it's measurement day
5) Your training makes you feel good

Hmm, I welcome any additions to this list!


  1. 6.Anton stops ringing you cause he is worn out.. have cancers forming on your arms from to much sun..
    8.Your food bill doubles..
    9.The neighbours on the river call to you by name..
    10.The calouses on your hands are so big that you cannot form a fist anymore

  2. Oh that is soooo funny (and true). Laughing my a$$ off!!!
