Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday's run with music

I was meant to be doing a paddle with Anton this afternoon, but I got a casual day's work at the last minute. Since it looks like I might be picking up the casual work on Wednesdays, I'll have to come up with a contingency plan for my training schedule. Anyway, I decided to go for a run instead. It was too late to paddle, and a run only takes an hour all up so I could be back in time to help put the boys to bed. So as soon as Mum headed home, I drove to the lake and did the longer (path and road) run and back. I felt great - the fittest I've felt in a long time. I'm really enjoying my running again. I also had the MP3 player on and the music always gives me an extra lift. My music of choice is dance/techno (anything with good bass). I think this comes from my teenage and early 20's Aerobic Instructing days, and working in a gym until I was 28yrs. Anyway, I love it when the bass is pumping and it can really improve my mood. Total time was 25:17 (min:sec), with an average heart rate of 168bpm. Lovin it!


  1. All I am hearing is excuses not to paddle..or is that not to have your ears belted with Anton's continuous babbling...LOL
    It does not matter what time it is..The water is still wet and if you stay upright your kayak still floats..pull yourself together and let's get serious...all the best your

  2. Ah, see I didn't miss my paddle, I just switched days and paddled today. Which reminds me...where were YOU today? A bit of a sniffle, and a few drops of rain. Hmmmm - or are you just scared of me now :) Hehehehehehehe (evil laughing)

  3. Lets see....I raced Sunday in 43 degree heat,trained a very solid sprint session Tuesday..Raced the club race Wednesday..Hang on..really strange do not remember SEEING YOU AT ANY of them..Had a sore throat so used my brains and had a weight training session while watching a great movie...Suck on that..Any way..2 times in one week was enough for my top up of Anton..We know you just cannot get enough of him spurring you to your great heights..Or was that trying to get away from him,,LOL,roll around the floor..LOL,,throwing up with stomach cramps...God you are funny
